Anorectal Physiology & Ultrasound

Investigation and treatment of anorectal disorders has been improved dramatically by the use of a 360 degree ultrasound probe which obtains high-quality images of the anal sphincter and rectal wall. Analysis of the function of the anorectum by pressure measurements and nerve measurements improves diagnosis and can direct treatment and follow treatment effectiveness.

This equipment is now available and being used at the Bayside Gastrointestinal Unit located at our rooms at Bluff Rd, Sandringham.

Two specialists with interest and training in this area are currently using this equipment to help diagnose and solve problems such as the cause of anal incontinence and subsequently assist in the treatment of this condition. Other conditions such as rectal prolapse, anal fistula, obscure anal pain, severe constipation, rectal and anal cancers can all be studied and assessed with this equipment and subsequently can assist in planning treatment.

The epuipment (pictured) and the investigation suite(pictured) is located within my Sandringham rooms. Specially trained nurses assist with the procedures which are easily tolerated and take 45minutes approximately to perform.

The procedures are performed twice a week and reports are sent to the referring medical practitioner soon after the procedure.